Thoughts, Literature
Torus Health: What is the Torus?
Torus Health and Yoga explains the benefits of a healthy Torus and how to achieve it.
Dear Torus Health & Yoga:
What is the Torus & how does it contribute to my Health & Healing?
Torus Health is a business community committed to health and healing, but perhaps not in a typical function. Our healing models and programs are built around new age philosophies and findings to aid each of us take conscious responsibility for our own healing, health and sensational present and future selves.
One facet of these philosophies is through the use of a combination of physical, mental and emotional works aiding in energy alignment and the strengthening of the Torus energetic field.
Full stop!
What is that, that sounds fluffy and what does that have to do with yoga?
I hear you. Much of what I will discuss in this blog may sound a bit “fluffy” but stay with me. I will do my best to explain, inspire and will leave you with a couple short mediations to try at home.
Of course, the practice of yoga provides physical health benefits (trust me, the first time I was able to successfully put myself into an inversion gave me the best feeling of physical aptitude!) but the practice of yoga goes far beyond the physical. The word Yoga in Sanskrit means Union and is defined as “the cessation of the modification of the mind”. This “modification of the mind” is achieved through the physical postures along with the integration of disciplined breath control and simple focused meditation. Harnessing these three entities at once helps provide a greater connection to your whole self. Often the great surprise experienced when practicing yoga, is not that an increase in strength or endurance are the leading factors to the inevitable achievement of complex physical postures and flexibility but it is largely due to mentally aligning your body and mind to focus on the present moment and maintain cohesive and constant breath works. With these key elements at play, your mind ignites and takes your body to new heights. As the mind and body improve, so does your emotional welfare and your inner energies start to align inducing the Torus the take shape and strengthen. Imagine the Torus as an invisible shield surrounding your entire body, fueled with nothing but fulfilling and heightened positive energies protecting you from the negative and depleting energies of this world.
Full stop!
Even if this concept sounds fluffy to you, the allusion of an invisible bubble of joy surrounding and protecting your body must bring some element of pleasure.
So read on…
In a very basic scientific sense, through mediation, breath work and the motion of the yogic postures, you are moving the cerebral fluid in your central nervous system (your lower energy centers often referred to as your root, sacral, solar plexus chakras) up the spin to your brain. These actions give your over worked, over stressed, over tiered brain a rush of fresh fluid to nourish itself and calm. Once this stored energy is dislodged by the acceleration of the cerebrospinal fluid up the spine, it will draw the stored energy from the first three centers back to the brain. Once there is a current flowing from the base of the spine all the way to the brain, the body becomes like a magnet and an invisible three dimensional electromagnetic energy field is created around the body; the Torus (torsion field).
Try This Meditation Practice for Starters:
1) Sitting cross-legged (or how is most comfortable) on the floor or chair. Make yourself comfortable! If you require pillows or other accessories to sit upright comfortably, do so.
2) Take a moment to place your attention on the top of your head, as if to say, “this is where I want my energy to flow”
3) Take one slow steady breath through your nose and at the same time, squeezing and holding the muscles of the perineum (area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva)
4) Imagine as you inhale through your nose that the air is breathing up your spine, through your chest, your throat, and your brain, all the way up to the top of your head.
5) Hold the breath here for 5 seconds while squeezing your perineum and then exhale out your nose.
Again…adding some more steps
6) Take one slow steady breath through your nose and at the same time squeezing and holding the muscles of your perineum, then those of your lower abdomen and then those of your upper abdomen.
7) Imagine as you inhale through your nose that the air is breathing up your spine, through your chest, your throat, and your brain, all the way up to the top of your head.
8) Hold the breath here for 5 seconds while squeezing your perineum and then exhale out your nose.
This breathing exercise is one of many that helps to activate blocked energy through the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and helps elevate this energy to the brain. As Dr Joe Dispenza puts it, “It is as if the traveling energy from the lower centers is ejaculated in to the brain”.
Much of our vital energy becomes stuck within the first three centers because they are, as many would refer to them as, the “feel good centers” or “survival centers”. However, the more energy we draw from these centers the more energy we pull from the invisible field of energy around our body (ding! Ding! Ding! Yes! The Torus). By initiating all of our energy centers (FYI: there are 8 energy centers…ideal we want to be using all 8 and not only the first 3) our entire bodies become engaged, aware and fully conscious. For some, however, the concept of living with elevated emotions such as, compassion, love and gratitude is a scary concept as we all have fallen victim at one point or another to leaning on our anger, resentments, jealousy, competitiveness, or as I personally resorted to at a point in my life; complete numbness.
All though the ignition of your energies is a great big step forward in the right direction, the next step for many can be the most difficult. That is what Torus Health is here for, to help you every step of the way as you commit yourself to reconditioning the body to a new mind; a state were you can allow yourself to live in a state of elevated emotions as your body is lifted to a new state of elevated consciousness.
Just Imagine…
How would you live from this state of being?
What behaviors would you potentially demonstrate from this state of being?
How would it feel to be healed and to be free; to believe in yourself?
Try this meditation twice a day:
Morning: before getting out of bed
Evening: before falling asleep
Place your left hand over your chest in your heart center. Out loud or in your head say:
~ I Bless my future – that it never be my past
~ I Bless my past – that it turns to wisdom
~ I Bless the adversity in my life – that it initiates me into greatness & that I see the hidden meaning behind all things
~ I Bless my soul – that it wakes me up from this dream
~ I Bless the divine within me – that it moves me, that it moves through me, that it moves all around me, that it shows cause in my life
~ I give thanks for my new life before it is made manifest
Visualize and feel these emotions.
Memorize this feeling.